Metafrax Trading limited liability company (Metafrax Trading LLC) - is a Russian trading company that sells chemical products manufactured by Metafrax Chemicals (Metafrax PJSC), Metadynea Metafrax Group LLC, Omskiy kauchuk PJSC and others.
Volume of products sold in 2019
- Methanol – 288 thousand tons
- Formalin – 96.5 thousand tons
- Freeze-proof aldehyde solution – 6 thousand tons
- Urea-formaldehyde concentrate (UFC) - 151 thousand tons
- Sodium formate – 11.9 thousand tons
The company's revenue for 2019 – 11 billion 344 million rubles

Products & services
Detailed information about the products supplied by the company can be found in the «Terms of sales of chemical products»
Terms of sales of chemical products:
General terms of cargo transportation contracts
General Conditions of Carriage General Conditions of CarriageManagement
Oleg Mamayev
General Director
Vasily Sharov
Director of a separate subdivision (Moscow)
Contact us
Metafrax Trading Russia
Address: 67 Sovetskaya str., Perm, Russia, 614000
Fax: +7 342 218 33 71
Separate subdivision (Moscow)
Address: 68/70 Butyrsky Val str., bld. 1, Moscow, Russia, 127055